I think all of us... especially moms, who deal with all that Mommy guilt all the time... need to be reassured that "It's ok".

It's ok.....
... to have 4 cups of coffee before 9 am.
... to lock yourself in the bathroom when the kids are just too much.
... to sub "chocolate chips" for "fruit" in your oatmeal, as long as the calories match up.
... to paint your nails on the toilet (when locked in the bathroom as mentioned). Just be ready to wait for them to dry.
... to create Ryan Gosling "Hey Girl" pics way too much, because Picnik is closing and you're freaking out.
... to take a personal day and send the kids to daycare, just so you can lay in bed and catch up on the DVR.
... to cry to an Adele song in the car, even when you really have nothing to be sad about.
... to drink another cup of coffee even though you had 4 before 9 am.
Thanks for this AWESOME thing, ladies. I am looking forward to many more "It's ok Thursdays".
(P.S. Come by Sarah Fitness and click "like". Be one of the cool kids).
Is it ok to leave the toilet seat up on Thursdays?
ha! I love this - and I relate to WAY more things on your list than I care to admit. Ok...off to get more coffee (what? it's not 9am here yet!)
Great list! Ryan Gosling pictures are a must!
@Tony, only if it's ok to beat your ass after falling in to the toilet!
Ooooh! Chocolate chips in your oatmeal!! I am so gonna try that!
Love this Sarah! I am glad I did the linkup! Found some cool new blogs! (of course yours is one of them)
it's TOTALLY okay to have YOU time. i
haha, LOVE this! oh ryan gosling... I told my hubs that if I could choose anyone to be his brother-husband, it would be him {watch sister-wives much? sheesh}.
I cry to adele too. for no reason. atleast now I know I'm in good company :)
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