

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Happy Birthday, Awesomeday!

A little over a year ago, a friend of mine posted a Facebook status that read: "Today is so awesome it should be called Awesomeday!" Sometime after that, I stole the word "Awesomeday" from her and decided to make an entire day where every status I wrote had to be a "Thing that is awesome". I did this to have a day of positive things, of looking on the bright side, and a day where I was just not allowed to whine.

I know I created the Facebook page a few Awesomedays into it, but I'm not sure how many. But I looked at our page today and saw that the page was created on May 4, 2011. Awesomeday had a birthday and I missed it!

Since it started, I've seen it spread. There are almost 300 folks on the page (hoping to surpass that soon), but what's really neat is seeing people post their "Things that are awesome" status updates every Wednesday.

There have been Wednesdays that come along where I'm really NOT in the mood. I am grumpy. I want to complain. But I remember my rule, and I'm forced to count my blessings. Awesomeday has saved my mood more than once.

So, happy birthday, Awesomeday! Here's to many more!