

Monday, October 15, 2012

Here Comes Week 10...

So I figured, Week 10 is starting, and I'll go ahead and do a weekly documentation of all the exciting details of trying to stay in shape and grow a person at the same time.
10 weeks. The baby is the size of a grape. Why is my stomach so big?

And from the front you can really see how my hips are expanding in preparation for childbirth
I'm in this fun stage where I just look fat, not pregnant. Of course, the fact that I have eaten terribly for a month surely has something to do with it.

However, as I predicted, I started to feel a bit better the past few days. I had a terrible sick headache that started Friday night and lasted into Saturday, but by Sunday, I woke up feeling lots better. I didn't crave crap (as much), and felt like I had a little more control over what I ate (as opposed to the overwhelming urge to consume EVERYTHING lest I vomit for the past few weeks).

Workout wise, though, I have no motivation to do CrossFit. Part of it is that it's easier to workout at home rather than leave the house by 4:45 am. Part of it is the dread factor. I just want to do the stuff I like. Or as my 5 year old says, "I just want what I want!"

I just don't feel like pushing myself until I feel like I'm going to pass out. So I'm not sure what I'm going to do about that. To be honest, as I look at the budget for the next 7 months and I think, "What can I cut back on?" and add that to "I just don't feel like doing CrossFit pregnant"... well, there's some money I could save. However, I've paid through November 5, so there's the need to get my money's worth until then. That and, oh yeah, I don't like to be a "quitter". Oh the drama.

What I *do* enjoy right now: Turbofire, Lifting, Yoga. And eating. Wait, that's not a workout.

So. 10 weeks down (pretty much). 30 to go. It's going to be a while.

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