

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

2012 Beachbody Challenge Groups!

A lot of folks make New Year's Resolutions. They decide to lose weight, once and for all. The join Weight Watchers, maybe Jenny Craig or Nutrisystem, and join a gym.

All of these things cost money.

That's cool. Anything that's worthwhile is going to cost something. In fact, I find that I'm more likely to commit to something and stick with it if I've PAID for it.

But, I want you to think ahead. What is February going to look like?

I know many people find success with all of these things. But I want you to take a moment and consider a different option...

Beachbody offers COMPLETE programs, with a schedule, nutrition plan, and support. But I'm going even further than that and starting a Challenge Group.

The 2012 Challenge Group:

- Begins January 2.
- Is limited to 5 people.
- Lasts for 30 days (it takes 21 days to make a habit).
- Will have daily support, check-ins and accountability via an exclusive Facebook group.

Here are the requirements:
1. Drink Shakeology Daily.
2. Workout daily (either with a Beachbody workout program, or the program of your choice. I'll even help you develop one if you like).
3. Check in daily.

Beachbody has even made it easier, by combining some of their programs with Shakeology AND a free month of membership in the Team Beachbody Club:

Just to compare:

1. One month of weight watchers online: Sign up fee of $29.95 plus $18.95 per month: $48.90 for the first month (does not include fitness program)
2. One month of gym membership: Varies, usually a sign up fee ($49.99) and a monthly fee of $39.99. That's $90 for the first month. (Source of sample)
3. One month of Jenny Craig: A small fee (Usually about $20 per month), plus the cost of meals, which can run you $500 - $600 per month. That doesn't include a fitness program. (Here's a review of their program).

With the Beachbody Challenge packs, you get the Workout Program (which you can use more than one month...), one month of Shakeology, and one month of the Team Beachbody Club membership (which includes personalized meal plans).

You decide. But if you'd like to be in my Challenge Group that starts on January 2, let me know! And order soon, because you want to have everything ready to get started on that day!

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